awards night 2011 by meimei96 on
By the time you read this, I am either 1) watching the Oscars or 2) writing out lesson plans for the week. One is a grueling, time-sensitive task that must be done to get things in order... and the other involves writing out my lesson plans for the week. ZING!
(...And such is the dichotomy of my life.)
Oh, who am I kidding here? I'm a sucker for awards shows. Hell, I could be watching the 245th Annual Fungal Disease Awards and I'd still tear up while holding an imaginary trophy and whispering "thank you, thank you, thank you" in several different languages. The only time that I didn't enjoy an awards show was when I worked backstage at one during my past life as a PR minion... and even then, there were free cocktails and hors d'oeuvres all around, so it wasn't too bad.
I don't have much at stake for this year's awards - well, except for my undying love for Colin Firth, which I inherited from Scribey and passed on to my mom (along with my squeeing over Phil Younghusband) - but I do know that I've been preparing that acceptance speech for a huge chunk of my life... along with my outfit, accessories, and possibly even my date.
(Which reminds me: Hello, Jeremy Renner? My aunt lives in Modesto. You could pick me up at her house next year; I'm absolutely, positively sure that she won't mind. Kthxbai.)
Anywho, for your consideration: this year's desperate plea heartfelt tribute to the Oscars, created with Polyvore.