Friday, November 25, 2011

...And So It Ends.

Dear longtime readers of Domesticity:

As much as it pains me to say this, it is with deep regret that I have decided to close up shop on Domesticity.

Between the demands of being a full-time PhD student and the effort required to revise my fiction projects, I have determined that I may no longer have any time left to put up new posts on a regular basis. I will be doing a lot of writing, of course... just not in this forum.

(But just in case you're curious, however: I'm still @stella_meimei on Twitter! Feel free to follow me, and I promise to be more interesting. End of plug.)

This does not mean I will delete this blog altogether; all of the old posts will remain on this site. Don't worry, you can still relive all of the fun moments from haircut to haircut, lipstick to lip gloss, and - in case you're wondering - how I got from crushing on Peter Sarsgaard to, well, professing my undying love for a certain two-time Academy Award nominee who bears a passing resemblance to Mr. Potato Head.

I don't like to speak with finality; sooner or later I may end up blogging again, perhaps under a different format or subject. For now, however, let it be known that I will be forever grateful to all of you for being part of this journey. I will miss you terribly, but I look forward to meeting you once again.

With much aloha,



kuri said...

Sorry to hear that, but at least I can follow you on twitter!

I have really enjoyed your posts here, and I'm glad that you're leaving it up. Good luck with the PhD!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much, Kuri! It was a heartbreaking decision for me to end it, but I can't bear the thought of throwing away six years' worth of writing just because I can't update this any more. Better to just have it up as an archive and go from there. :)

See you on Twitter!

Krishna Lou Ayungao said...

Haha, you ended it when I started subscribing. :)) Anyway, I'm sure I'd still enjoy reading six years of your past posts. God bless with your PhD. :)

Unknown said...

Hi Krishna!

Thanks for subscribing. I still respond to comments once in a while, so it's not like I'm totally gone from the picture.

Come to think of it, if and when I start blogging again, I will definitely make sure to post the link here. Hope all is well!

Buy RevitaDerm said...
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