Friday, October 08, 2010

What's Your (Ruined) Fantasy: The "Oh, Honey, NO" Edition

Since it's been the kind of week where LOLs are few and far between, I've been checking out The Internet Never Forgets, which posts cheesy pictures of (currently) hot actors during the hungriest periods of their life.

There are a lot of gems to be had here; the entire sections for Jared Leto and Jensen Ackles alone should supply you with enough cringeworthy laughs for a lifetime, to say the least of Robert Pattinson and Brad Pitt.

THIS, however, is my favorite one of all: 

"Someday soon I'm gonna make you a vampire. Da doo NOM NOM NOM, da doo NOM NOM."

Yes, I know that Ian Somerhalder rarely takes a bad picture; this archive is proof of that. Still and all though, it's proof that no sane male should ever attempt to take their hairstyling cues from Shaun Cassidy circa 1978.

(Apropos of nothing, I used to have a Shaun Cassidy T-shirt that I inherited from my sister... who, for the sake of this discussion, counts him as one of her lame celebrity ex-boyfriends, alongside Leif Garrett. If we had known that cable television and the Internet were going to be invented, we would never have spent so much time squee-ing our heads out at the Record Bar section of SM Makati.)  

To compensate for this, I shall direct you to a relatively non-heinous picture of Mr. Somerhalder himself.

I am aware that his face is kind of crooked... but still, not that hard to look at from my point of view. Also, you're welcome. 

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