Oh, Anna Maria. Forget Monique Lhuillier, my dear - what you really need now is to get in touch with Mich Dulce, who can at least teach you how to 1) dress like a classy hipster and 2) wear a hat without looking like an heiress to the Massengill fortune. Sure, Mich can look like an eccentric auntie sometimes, but wouldn't you rather look like a madcap socialite than a desperate starlet who can't catch a break? (And, no, pretending to be one of Demi Lovato's head-bobbing minions does not count as a "break.")
Also: Unless you're looking to join the rumored Asian-American version of Jersey Shore, there really is no excuse for you to keep rocking the Snooki-esque hair. Just sayin'.
From Amazon, via my inbox:
Heeeeyyy, a Joan Jett Barbie
And now, for some unpaid plugging:
I admit: I am easily distracted by shiny, shiny objects. So when I heard about Ringspotters (which is, BTW, run by school friends of yours truly) I just had to check it out. Mind you, I am the furthest thing from being engagement-minded right now - and candy-sized rings look like tumors on my tiny hands - but I really do enjoy looking at all these gorgeous jewels all the same. The heirloom rings are my favorite, since I'm a big fan of vintage jewelry. Love it!
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